Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The state of my "Give-A-Damn"

It's busted. Totally broken beyond all recognition. I'm seriously hating on immunology right now. I've been working on it off and on for about 3 hours now (really? it seems so much longer...). The final is tomorrow. I think I'm ready, but I'm never really sure until I get in there and see the questions and I see exactly what I can pull out of the recesses of my brain. Immunology isn't a hugely important class and I've already got good marks in it, so this shouldn't be stressing me out this badly, but it is. It doesn't help that there's a $2500 prize riding on the highest mark in the class.

In any case, I'm tired, I'm cranky, and I want to go home. Not like, leave the library and go back to my current residence home. I mean HOME-home. Home to NS. To my parents. To my dog and my cat and my horse. I want to be done now.

"Reach down your hand in your pocket,
Pull out some hope for me.
It's been a long day, always,
Ain't that right?"
-Long Day, Matchbox 20

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