Thursday, December 15, 2011

Running on empty

If motivation was gas, I'd be running on fumes and about to call CAA. Unfortunately, there is no CAA for motivation. I have a reasonably good mark in histology already, so even if I just pass the final, I still end up with a 70% or something. On top of that, it seems like a lot of the material has been covered in other classes, so I already know it. So I'm mostly reviewing images to see if I can tell stuff apart. And listening to a lot of J-Core. For non-lyrical interesting music, nothing beats J-Core.

Animal production systems went fine. It was...short, if nothing else. I was done in 15 minutes, and I wasn't the first person by a long shot.

I made chocolate peanut butter truffles. Or I'm in the process of making them. The ganache is cooling in the fridge now. It has to set for a few hours, then I need to roll it into balls and dip them in chocolate and add sprinkles. Yum! They'll be tasty. I just don't know how esthetically pleasing they'll be.

It's snowing like the dickens out right now. It's supposed to warm up and rain tomorrow though, and then be clear on Saturday for my drive home. Ooh, so close but so far away!

And a classmate has just informed me that they've posted all our winter semester courses to our online course content site. Just so we don't totally forget about school!

Countdown - 24 hours, 39 minutes to the end of Semester 1.

1 comment:

  1. A great day for your drive to NS! My flight to Ottawa is also today :] after a veeery long and tiring week in the lab its good to get off island... have a good Christmas!
