Sunday, March 2, 2014

Some days you just don't get it

Friday was one of those days.

So Friday was our Diagnostic Radiology midterm. Topics covered: equine distal limb (knee/hock down), small animal urinary system and small animal reproductive. We have an hour looking at cases on computers, and then an hour long written portion. I'm going through the computer part, doing reasonably well, when I get to about the 11th or 12th case. Which goes a little like this
"Sitting on the fence" 3 year old Quarter Horse stallion, lame left hind leg
Followed by an image like this:

And I thought, hey no big deal, it's an OCD lesion, distal intermediate ridge of the tibia. But what the hell does "sitting on the fence" mean?! Did he try to jump the fence and missed? Is it some awkward way to describe how he's standing? But I ignore it and move on.

Later, I'm talking to a classmate during the traditional post-exam debrief/bitching session, and lamenting that I had no idea what that meant. His reponse, "It was the horse's name."

That makes so much more sense now...

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