I'm sharing this here because I'm using it to study for Diagnostic Imaging. Really. What, you don't believe me? It's not like I'm just giggling over the descriptions.
They Ate What? Pet X-Ray Contest 2012 Winners
I do love radiographs. Even when they don't have bizarre foreign bodies in them. We covered ultrasound, MRI, CT and nuclear scintigraphy on Monday in Diagnostic Imaging. I love this stuff. I get right giggly over it. I know I won't get to use it much in my career, unless I end up in a specialty practice, so I'm enjoying it while I can. But I will get to use radiographs and ultrasound, and even those are awesome. We take them for granted every day, but really stop and think about what they are. They are pictures of what is inside you.
Let me state that again, because I don't think it can be overstated: THEY ARE PICTURES OF THINGS INSIDE YOU. THINGS YOU CAN'T SEE. THEY LET YOU LOOK AT YOUR OWN ORGANS AND BONES.
Yes, I meant for that to be in caps. It's just that freaking cool.
We had a Pharmacology quiz today, in preparation for the midterm next week. I love Pharm. If you've ever watched a drug ad on television and heard them rattle off lists of side effects, seemingly completely unrelated to the drug itself, well, pharmacology explains that stuff. I aced the quiz, so I'm feeling pretty good about the test. To think - Pharmacology was the course I was most worried about coming into this year, and now it's easily my favourite. What a difference an awesome professor can make!
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