Yes, it's your favourite semi-neurotic AVCer, back from a summer filled with cat feces, llama feces, goat feces, sheep feces, blood, tears, sunshine and shrieking and laughing children (amazingly, shrieking and laughing seem to sound awfully similar in human juveniles...).
Second year will officially kick off at 8:30 AST on August 27. That is, the day after tomorrow and with any lucky, it won't be like the movie of the same name. First year orientation was yesterday, and sadly, I was working so was unable to attend it. But a huge congratulations to all the AVC 2016ers. Wear those blue coats with pride! At least until you wear them to anatomy and get cadaver juice on them.*
On what should be a celebratory weekend to kick back and enjoy the last days of freedom, I'm actually a basket case. I'm moving next weekend. My dear, loving, amazing mother and step-father are driving from Nova Scotia and they'll be loading the trailer while I'm in class on Friday. So today and tomorrow, I'm mostly packing, trying to find stuff for school on Monday, picking up things I need for the apartment (those minor but important things you don't think about until you don't have them, like a dish pan).
In all of this, I get a message in my UPEI mail account on Friday informing me that our first lecture for Diagnostic Imaging has been posted online and we're to review it for Monday. It's huge. And it's on ultrasound. I was super excited about Diagnostic Imaging. I love radiographs and MRI and scintigraphy, plus two of my favourite professors would be back. Then I remembered ultrasound and I was suddenly a lot less excited and a lot more freaked out. Given enough time, I can usually find the bladder on an ultrasound, because it's a giant black circle. Everything else, and I might as well be looking at snow on a TV screen. Yikes.
While I'm on the website, I decide to see what else is up already. Clinical Orientation II has a few things posted. Yay for learning physical exams this semester! Then I see that our first week, we start talking about stethoscopes. Oh shit. Mine's in a box somewhere. Which box? Bloody hell, I don't want to have to rip them all open again! Luckily, it was the second one I looked in.
There you have it then. Haven't even started yet, and I'm already behind the 8 ball. Go me.
*Mine never did. I only ever used it in the anatomy lab on exam days, and it was thoroughly washed each time. I'm a bit obsessive about it.
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