Well, sort of. Replace "robots" with "anatomy dissection guides". I picked up the guide for this semester and I'm reading through it in preparation for tomorrow's lab (one of my New Year's resolutions was to be more on top of things...).
The author's a comedian, in his own special vet anatomy way.
Example: "In fact, prior to the publication of the second edition of the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (NAV) in 1973, this muscle in the horse was referred to as the cleidotranservarius." A footnote below that reads: "NAV - This is the little book that veterinary anatomists use to look up the correct names of things (in those rare instances when they don't remember."
On the next page, it continues: "Accidential injection of certain drugs such as tranquilizers into the common carotid artery (direct route to brain) rather than the external jugular vein could be fatal to the patient." Again, a footnote reads: "Such accidents in no way foster positive client relations and could well result in an increase in your malpractice insurance premiums."
At the least, it makes reading it more interesting!
As an aside, 10 points* to whoever can name the show and episode the title of this post is from.
*Points are totally useless and only metaphorical in nature and cannot be redeemed for anything, except maybe bragging rights.
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